Friday 25 May 2012

Second Final Ideas

For all of these designs I have used the original photos which I think look better because they are less edited.  For each image I have used a quote which matches the image and links to split personality.

This image has too much type on top which I think could be made shorter by removing some words but it would still say the same.

The photo in this image needs to be made brighter so he can be seen with fists better. This will make the image clearer.

I think this design looks better with less type because it makes the image the main part of the design.

Type is just about right because it is in a step in the corner but I could try using a different type and size.

Too much Type? Could change size of type to look better or shorten quote? 

I think they type needs moving around because it looks too blocked into the corner and could also look better with a ground on it so there would be a base for the image.

I think that there is too much type in this piece or it need to be arranges better.

The type on this piece needs to be made shorter because it over powers the image.

All of these eight images would look better if they had a ground to them which would give them more of a base and look as though they are stood on something. 

All of these eight images look better and more natural using the original photos which means that they link together with the quote to be part of my split personality theme because the actions all look natural.

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