Monday 21 May 2012

Celeb Layouts

I have used Type block and brown paint to print the quotes into my sketchbook and then used new imagery for the quotes. After I had done this I decided that the imagery I had done before was stronger so I scanned in all three images and edited them in Photoshop so that I could use the previous imagery with the quotes.

Using different type faces adds to the confusion and mixed personality. The original layout doesn't work as well as the Photoshop image because Simon Cowel isn't wearing a t-shirt and doesn't look as manly or rough as the image did. The quote would go better with the image of Simon Cowel in a t-shirt because it would be more of a contradiction.

I think that this image works well because it makes him look gay which means that the quote goes well with what he looks like. I think that the original image looks more realistic because the head is the right angle and he isn't as happy as the one in the original layout.

The image of Michael Jackson is slightly blurred because of how old it is which means that the two images don't go well together and don't look as realistic. Having said that I think that the images go well together with the quote because it is a quote by Louis Walsh about MJ.

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