Monday 16 April 2012


This weekend i worked on the idea of using semiotics.
For this image I used the same image but added different emotions underneath the image to give the image a different meaning and emotion. The image explains that a personality could view the crowd as being a party but their personality could split and flip to viewing the crowd as being claustrophobic and start to panic.

Here I have copied the same image on the photocopier in black and white and they contain the same woman in each but I have coloured the eyes differently to give the images different meanings.  One woman has blue eyes and the other has black eyes. The woman with blue eyes looks open and happy where the woman with black eyes looks deep and distressed.
Here i photocopied an image and made it black and white and simply added a red highlight to each image but in a different place. For one image I have added red lips to look as though the person was dressed up and has makeup on but on the other image I have added red lines onto the face to give it the impression of being hurt and scared.

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