Thursday 19 April 2012

Creative Collage and 'Messy' Drawings

Today I did some experimental image making to try and make the idea of split personality more graphical and turn it into imagery.

This image contains scans of a face which all have different facial expressions and which have then been worked back into with a continuous line which have been used to make a mixture of emotions and represent a messy mind and personality.

This image was originally using the idea as an opposite for the original smiley face but to make it sad for effect. it looks good because the yellow circle usually is a happy symbol. I have used a clear sheet over the top of the image to turn the image into a split personality by having the happy face on top of the sad face.

I did this image using stick and ink which I think works really well to show emotions. I did it onto masking tape which cant really be seen that well in the image but i think it works well and would look effective doing it as a sad eye because the ink goes watery onto the tape so would make the image look sadder.

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