Sunday 1 April 2012

Questionnaire Results

This weekend I have asked people to fill in my questionnaire and these are the results I have found:

ANSWERED BY:                                           .

Describe your general mood in one word...                            Good/Happy
Describe your good mood in one word…                              Relaxed
Describe your bad mood in one word…                                Stressed
What sort of moods do you have in mornings?                       Bad
What sort of moods do you have at nights?                            Good
What makes you angry?                                                        Selfish
What makes you happy?                                                       Social
Pick which you would prefer in general…                               Black & White/Colour
Which colour do you prefer?                                                 Dull Blue
Which colour do you hate?                                                    Yellow
What’s your opinion of your mood at work? In general…      N/A
Given the choice which would you prefer to keep?                 Vision
Finish this sentence… I am happiest when…                          Social
Finish this sentence… I am saddest when…                           Working
What’s your favourite food?                                                   Unhealthy
What’s your worst food?                                                        Veg
What's your favourite drink?                                                   Alcohol
What’s your worst drink?                                                       Milk
What weather do you like the best?                                        Sun
What’s your favourite season?                                                Summer
Where do you prefer to be?                                                   Outside
Which is the most importance to you?                                     Comfort
What activity makes you the happiest?                                    Exercise
What activity makes you saddest?                                          Work
Which part of your body do you love?                                    Eyes
Which part of your body do you hate?                                    Fat Bits
Do you think that you have a split personality?                         Yes/No

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