Monday 28 November 2011

Photography Research

Sometimes You Just Know
By Justin Visnesky

Most of his work comes from exploring with his past present and future. This series of photographs are familiar spaces and surroundings to him, all of the photographs are a visual document of his feelings at the time.

He says 'I'm not interested in freezing time, but freezing a feeling, that feeling you get in your gut when you know something is right and may never be again'

I like this photograph because of the simpleness of is symbolising the end of a party and I think that the feeling he has 'frozen' with this picture is that it was a good night that will never happen again.

This picture is showing the feeling of being comfy and not wanting the feeling to end. that's why I think he has 'frozen' this picture. 

I like this picture because of how much colour is used. I  think that the feeling being 'frozen' in this picture is tidiness and how the flowers and fruit will soon loose their colour and never gain them back again.

This picture is also taken at the end of a party because the balloons are popped. I think the difference between parties are that this was a child's party, so he has 'frozen' this picture because he will never see the child be young again.

I think this picture has been frozen because the feeling when being woken up in a morning is wanted to be 'frozen' by most people because they usually want more sleep. I think that he has captured the feeling of sleep in this picture really well.

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