Monday 28 November 2011

Photography- Around College


I took this picture trying to be creative because it is a picture of a picture and I think that the idea of taking pictures of pictures can be creative.

With this picture I thought that the equipment looked really interesting and expensive. Its important for the Performing Arts Students and I thought it would make a good picture.

West Block

This picture interested me because of how random rubbish is, I think that it can be a form of art in how random it is.

This picture is also of rubbish. I think that the skip adds a randomness to the photograph.

North Block 2

I took this picture because Ii like the sign, it says exactly what it is supposed to and is clear to see.

I took this picture from above because I like how it shows a different perspective of the stairs.

Learner Services

This picture was taken without him knowing. The reason I like it is because the way he dresses is 'fashionable' but in my opinion I think it looks a mess. :)

I took this picture because I liked how all of the leaflets look the same and are unified.

Main Reception

I liked this picture because the sign says keep clear and as I was taking it the doors opened so the door is going through the sign.

With this picture I liked the naturalness of how everyone is walking about with no awareness of the picture being taken.


This picture was taken in the Library. I like how natural it looks because it is someone sat reading a book with books all around. 

I like this picture because all of the books are the same and I like the perspective of it.

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