Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Few more edits needed?

I think this image doesn't need any final changes. The text is arranged so it 'droops' with the image which links them together.

I think that the only changes needed on this photo would be that the 'Gone crazy!' and 'Back soon!' need to be made closer together so that they read better.

I  think that the text layout on this image works well because it is blocked into the corner and there are certain words emphasised so that it is read with them as shouting.

The text in this image works because it could be acting as a person to be having a fight with because it is in a column.

On this image I think that the only changes needed are that the 'E' on 'Each' needs to be made lower case and then lined up with the 't' on 'twelve'.

I think this image would look better if the 'cos' was moved down into the column below and made slightly smaller.

I think there are still too many words in this image so I am going to remove the 'but its OK' and but the second line to read with 'but' at the beginning, I am also going to remove the capital from the 'They' on the second line so it reads as one.

I think the text layout on this image works well so I am going to keep it as it is.

Grounds Black and White

For all of these images I have made the ground black and white which I think looks too dull. I think these images look as though they have had something spilt on the background because it is washed and not in colour. The grounds would look better if they were darker because they look dirty how they are. If they had a slight hint of blue to them then they might work better.

Photos Black and White

I think that having the photos in black and white makes the images look too dull and dark. I think that the use of light works better with the images in black and white but they would still look better if colour was used slightly in the images. 

3rd Final Ideas

Now i have decided to use blue grounds for all of my pieces I think they work well because they are all similar and linked.  

I have also used the type that I have decided on and rearranged the type in a way in which I think works best. The type still needs some edits but I think they are all close to being finished now.

The second line of type acts as a punch line.

Type looks as though someone is in the foreground waiting to fight and acts as a silhouette.

The gap between the type acts as a pause between the sentences.

Type has been boxed into the corner as if it is said with force?

Last bit is smaller as if whispered as a secret that they know her.

Type arranged as though it is drooping.

Type gets bigger towards the bottom of column. 

Second line of type too small?

Friday, 25 May 2012

Second Final Ideas

For all of these designs I have used the original photos which I think look better because they are less edited.  For each image I have used a quote which matches the image and links to split personality.

This image has too much type on top which I think could be made shorter by removing some words but it would still say the same.

The photo in this image needs to be made brighter so he can be seen with fists better. This will make the image clearer.

I think this design looks better with less type because it makes the image the main part of the design.

Type is just about right because it is in a step in the corner but I could try using a different type and size.

Too much Type? Could change size of type to look better or shorten quote? 

I think they type needs moving around because it looks too blocked into the corner and could also look better with a ground on it so there would be a base for the image.

I think that there is too much type in this piece or it need to be arranges better.

The type on this piece needs to be made shorter because it over powers the image.

All of these eight images would look better if they had a ground to them which would give them more of a base and look as though they are stood on something. 

All of these eight images look better and more natural using the original photos which means that they link together with the quote to be part of my split personality theme because the actions all look natural.

First Final Ideas

These designs are the first of my final ideas. I have used two images for each design to create opposites with the facial expressions and body language. I have added quotes to the top of each design to see how they work with the images created.

This image is obvious that it has been changed and is two put together because of the clear line between the head and body. It is also obvious because it is a girls body with a boys head added. I think the image would be stronger if it was just the original image used?

The type in the top of this image works well because it is in a clear step but I think the type needs to be smaller and the photo needs to be bigger. I think this image isn't obvious enough that I have added a head onto the body

I think there might to too much type on this image, or it is too big because it is too dominant on the image overall. I think that the photo could be made bigger so that it is the main focal point of the image.

The face on this is also obvious that it has been added. I don't think that adding different heads links them to split personality any more than using an original photo with the original head. 

This photo isn't obvious that it has been changed so I think it would be a lot stronger if I had just kept the original photo and let the type link them both to split personality. 

On this photo I have changed the type to make it seem more messed up. I think it would work well if there isn't a lot of type but if there were any more words in the quote it might be too much, so I don't think it is a good idea.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Photography Shoot

These photos are a selection of the ones I had from my photo shoot. They need editing so that the background on them all is just white but overall I am really happy with how well they all look.

arms crossed
arms crossed
hands on hips
fists -fighting
fists- fighting
hands on hips
arms open -hug
arms open- hug
