Thursday 13 October 2011

Live Art- Week 1 Male Model

The second model we had in the afternoon was male and we did movement pictures where we did quick drawings and he turned and then we did more drawings over and at the side to make the pictures look like he was moving in them.

This was the first drawing that we did, I found the man more difficult to draw because he didn't have a smooth curvy shape to draw. I think that this drawing wasn't as good because we did it quickly and didn't have much time to look at the proportions of the body.

This was the second drawing that we did. With this we had 5 minutes to do each one which I don't think was long enough to get all of the details down properly. I struggled on this one with the feet because his feet were swollen and I think that when I tried to draw his feet like this on the pictures they didn't look right.

With this picture we did ten quick 1 minute drawings which I thought was quite interesting because we were rushed to just pick out the outlines and not focus on the details. This means that the picture has a good movement and story to tell.

When we did this picture we had 5 minutes to draw with charcoal and chalk. we used the white chalk to outline the light on his body. This was still a rush to do because we were using two different types of media but I think that it helps to highlight the pictures better.

My favourite pictures from all four were the last two. I think that the quick ten drawings were good because they showed the lines that we instantly saw and I think the last one shows how the light hits his body.

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