Thursday 13 October 2011

Live Art- Week 1 Female Model

In our Live art sessions we had a woman model to draw first which I found to be a lot easier than expected. I've never done any form of live art before so it was something new for me. we used charcoal to draw the models and a rubber to erase any changes we needed to make.

This is the first drawing that I did and I think that for a first attempt it was quite good. to start with I got the proportions of the body wrong but eventually after I had drawn lines and angles on the picture and measured out what went where I found it a lot easier.

The second drawing I did was from the front which I found was quite easy to get the proportions of the body. I think that after I had done the first drawing I had got used to using the charcoal and it was easier for me to control and get the lines on it correct.

We then did three quick 5 minute drawings so that we had done quick drawings without having to stand and think and plan. I don't think that these had as much detail on them because they were done quickly.

The last drawing of the woman model was a 45 minute drawing and we had to use cross hatching on it to show tonal and where the light was hitting her body. At first I found this difficult because I didn't know how to approach cross hatching but once I had figured it out I think that this worked well.

From all of the drawings I think that the second and last were the best. I like the second one because it is simple and doesn't have much detail and I like the last one because of how the cross hatching shows the light on her body.

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