Monday 28 November 2011

Photography- Visit to Town

Last week we went into Chesterfield Town to capture its culture. One of the main things I found was that it was most peoples dinner hour so most of the people I saw were either resting or shopping in their uniforms. I chose the order of pictures by how busy I thought the people in them were in terms of them being on a 'restful' dinner hour (Busiest First).
The pictures that I chose all interest me in a different way. For example I like the first picture the best because it is two pictures in one, the main point of the picture is the butchers cutting meat but if you look closely there is a reflection in the window which shows the world going by.
The second picture particularly interests me because we caught some men searching through the bin which I found really humorous because they didn't look to me like they were the people that would search through a bin.
One other reason I chose these pictures is that each person in them could have a different speech bubble above their head which could all be turned into a different picture depending on what the words were.

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