Monday 28 November 2011

Magazine Review

Moderno Scout

This magazine article is written by and is about Typography.

The main reason I originally chose this article to write about was because the layout interested me. It is a very graphical article because it used different fonts and sizes in it, but they are used for a reason, each font changes when the article changes font it is talking about which I thought was a really cleaver idea to use.  

I think that this article is aimed at people who are interested in typography and how it looks because of the layout, that is what is seen first then the text is read afterwards. I think if it was aimed at people other than someone interested in typography then they could think that the piece is not laid out very cleverly because they could struggle to read it.

The piece explains how David Berlow changed his typeface and designs all depending on who wanted and needed them, he didn't just change them because that's how he wanted them, each typeface he designed was designed for a reason and then used and lasted. He had designed typefaces for a variety of places and people which is why all of the type is different and not similar.

it says that his main designs were for newspapers which could be why the article is laid out like a news paper with a large title at the top and columns. I've added a picture to the bottom so the layout can be seen because I think it is very different to an ordinary article in a magazine and catches the eye. 

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