Tuesday 6 December 2011

Graphics- Shopping and Logos- Week 1

During Week one we did 140 observational drawings, Photography and found imagery. I thought this was a good chance to collect a wide range of images and materials that I could use in week 2. One thing i found was that my drawings were too sketchy and I had to change the style of drawing that I was using so that I used single continuous lines, this was so that the pictures would scan in easier and could be used easier. The theme I followed was shopping and logos because its what I see the main theme of Chesterfield to be. I went out into the town drawing shop logos and shop fronts and I also did some drawings of people shopping in the town. One thing that I didn't enjoy about the project was that the weather restricted a lot of the drawings that I wanted to do because it was raining/snowing most of the time which made it impossible to draw outside. Other than the weather I think that the first week was really interesting because we were drawing in public places and we were drawing a theme that interested us.

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