Friday 16 September 2011

2D- Model Ink Drawings 13th September

After we had made our models we then hung them from the ceiling and used shorter sticks to draw them, this was a lot easier to do than using the longer sticks because we had more control. when we had drawn the basic shape of the model we then had to use the left over paper from our models and masking tape to make our pictures look like the model and look like they were made of paper.

i used the masking tape on this picture over the straps on the shoes to make them look like they were made of paper. i also used ripped up paper that was left over to make the strap around the back look like paper. i then used ink to make the bottom of the shoe have the same pattern as the bottom of the model.

i also used masking tape for the straps with this picture. but i used ink and emulsion to make the picture have a different effect to the first picture. 

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